SUPER HEROINE ACTION Special Manufacture, ZEN Pictures.


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How to watch the videos

Membership is the way to go if you want to watch as many videos as possible for 3000Yen (tax-excluded) a month. There are more than 500 full-length videos available.
You can enjoy some feature length video of new releases, videos that are not on sale on DVDs and videos made only for Membership service.

>>First things first. Get your registration done!

You need to be registered as a 'user' first to sign up for Membership. If you are not registered yet, please get your registration done.
After finishing it up, you will receive an email from us saying 'You are temporarily registered.' Follow the instruction in it, you will receive another email saying 'Your registration is complete.' Please do not lose the email.

>>Check your PC settings

Please go to Recommended Settings and check if your PC settings are ready to watch Membership videos.
[Viewing Test]
Before you pay for Membership, please do this test viewing. [Play Sample Movie] When you play, it checks if your PC is capable of playing a protected file. When you can not play it properly, please contact Customer Service.

>>Sign up for Membership

Let's start now. Please log in, hit 'Membership Account SIGNUP' on the left side of the page and follow the instruction.


Credit card you can use : VISA, MASTERCARD
Monthly Fee : 3000Yen (tax-excluded)
credit cards
[On Your Bill]
Your credit card billing statement shows [ +815055397367] or [ 05055397367]. Please be advised that you don't see 'Membership' on your bill.
[Automatic Payment]
Please be advised that you will be charged every month for your membership automatically until you cancel your membership.
[Credit Card Security]
The credit card transaction agency of the website, Maxconnect Singapore, is authenticated by VeriSign, one of leading companies that make information secure and encrypted on the Internet.
>>Inquiry About Credit Card Transactions
Inquiries about credit card payments are handled by e-mail or phone by MAXCONNECT SINGAPORE Pte Ltd.
Tel :+65 6829 2340
Email :

>>Canceling Membership

 To stop your monthly automatic payment, please take the steps below.
1. Please log in and see 'Account Info' on the left side of the page.
2. Click on [Cancel Membership Account].
3. Please read the instruction carefully and hit the button.

* This cancellation is different than the free user cancellation. Please be noted that, if you cancel your free account, points you have are deleted for good. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service.


New Account

NOTICE:Our website credit card payments can be processed in USD. The bank statement that you will receive will be considered as USD. The amount will be changed depending upon the exchange rate and charge of the bank. Thank you for understanding us