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Question Form

Please use the form below to ask us about our service, the website and so on.


Please enter the following information.
  • Email Address*

  • Please add “global_customer@giga-freeks.net” to Safe List, Address Book and so on to make sure that you get our response.
  • Your ID*
  • Your Country
  • Question*
  • Detail*

>>If your question is about playing the video,
please enter the following information for us to solve the problem promptly.
*Mandatory only for Download/Monthly Membership
  • The Video Product Number

  • Example:GXXD-01
  • OS*
  • Windows 11 Windows 10 Others
    Support for "Windows 8.1", "Windows 8" and "Windows 7" has ended. Please upgrade your OS.
  • Browser*
  • Microsoft Edge Google Chrome Firefox Safari Others
  • Media Player*
  • Security Software*

*Please confirm your message before you send it.
If you provide us the details, it will help us solve the problem more quickly.




Contact us

By e-mail:Please use "Contact Form".
Please use "Contact Form" to send inquiries about our videos, download system, membership service, website and others.
Other Questions
Please send us a mail if you have any other questions such as entertainment business related questions.
Email global_customer@zen-pictures.net


New Account

NOTICE:Our website credit card payments can be processed in USD. The bank statement that you will receive will be considered as USD. The amount will be changed depending upon the exchange rate and charge of the bank. Thank you for understanding us